Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Our cute ladybug! She lasted about 1/2 hour trick or treating and then cried until daddy took her home and put her to bed.

my little stinker

the birthday girl!

Sophia's 1st birthday was a blast! She loved the cake and we loved our family being there to celebrate with us. It was a very hard 1st year! Sophia was colicky and very rarely happy. We tried everything to get this girl to smile, but it wasn't until just before her birthday did she really start to interact with us on a more friendly level ;) She is such a joy to have in our family! The boys simply adore her and she has a special and different relationship with each of them. We are so grateful to have our little princess!

Dakon's baptism

Dakon is such a sweet boy! After being interviewed for his baptism, he ran down the hall to me and exclaimed, "Mom, I got them all right!" He has a strong testimony of Jesus Christ and does his best to be a good boy. We love you Dakon!

Braden was doing his best to keep her happy while I took a shower! He gave her all of his favorite toys! Love that boy!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Sofa lofa, pretty princess, little angel, Sofina, So-So, baby girl, pretty girl, momma's girl, little girl, Sophie, Soph, and sometimes Sophia. We love nicknames and songs about our little girl. The boys sing her songs in the car when she's crying and seriously, that's the only thing that works. She loves her brothers!!! Oh, and the "U" was part of an anniversary gift to gma and gpa Onnen.

Monday, March 28, 2011

This is the song I made up to quiet Sophia. (don't judge me!) Braden loves to sing it to her and she always responds to him. It's so stinking cute to watch him with her!
She's loving the hat here, but it doesn't last. After the photo shot, she cried until we took it off! At least we got a good pic!
Sophia gets really excited when I put her in the highchair. She's a really good eater too!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Here are some newer pictures taken of Sophia. The boys love to snap pictures of her and are always asking for the camera. I think they like her!!!

The tricky part is catching her by surprise so she doesn't have bug eyes! Obviously we have to work on that!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I cannot get enough of these bows! Unfortunately, her hair is so long and slippery that they don't stay in very long.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A year for surgeries, injuries and babies

This year has been a tough one - tough on
our wallet that's for sure! It started with Dakon. In February he had mastoiditis and had to have 2 surgeries to fix it. He was a real trooper. Then Braden had a tricycle collision which left him in a cast. He told everyone that daddy did it - which was true. Not only did Jeremy put the cast on, but he also was the one pushing the bike at maximum speed when Braden put his foot down and they ran over his leg. The good new is, we finally got him to sit long enough to learn all his letters!

Then came tonsillectomy/adnoidectomy for both Jaylin and Braden. They had had strep throat 6 times each and when Jaylin came home with it the first day of school, we decided it was time. This surgery took place 5 days before our baby girl was due. I can't seem to find the picture of the boys at the hospital in their garb including the cool hats. But here is Braden finally trying to eat.

Last, but not least is Sophia Renae. She was born 4 days late, which was ok considering her brothers were still home recovering from surgery. After laboring 22 hours with Braden I was a little apprehensive about how it would go with her. However, after having the doctor check me, things took off and in 6 hours we had our little angel. Can I just say that I am a big fan of epidurals, and not a fan of them wearing off. But she was worth it. She has the adoration of her brothers who just can't get enough of her. She's also daddy's little girl and it's so amazing to see him with her. Not that he wasn't that way with the boys, but there's something about a daddy/daughter relationship that melts my heart.

We catch Braden sleeping in the funniest places! Sometimes I can't find him because he's not where I expect him to be.

playing catch up

So it's been awhile since I've done anything with my blog. Part of the reason is, it's a pain in the neck. I am not impressed with the setup and have a difficult time navigating through the steps to change things. The other reason is . . . Sophia. Sophia is the cutest little bug, with the toughest little shell. No matter what we try, it doesn't work with her. She plays to her own band, beats to her own drum etc. etc. etc. Her dificulty level rivals that of Jaylin, which is not easy to do. I keep up the hope that one day she will "snap out of it". Until then, we just try to survive and make the most of what we have to work with.

Yes Jeremy, I know the bow is huge!

Is this the chikita banana girl or what????